Mang, who was known as “The Good Husband and The Good Father and The Money Collector”, was not very tall nor very short. He was rather an average Chinese man. Less than a businessman, he was conservative and sycophantic with a sly look of a traitor, a sly way of talking, a sly smile. Compared to Sang, he was far more cruelly mean.
Mei naturally considered the whole idea of cooking another “decent”meal with distaste. On some occasions, she very much despised Mang, especially when Mang shielded his son’s mistake about a fight with her elder son. It was useless to argue with Mang. Often the argument ended with Mei’s speechlessness. There were moments when Mei wondered how decent such a Sunday dinner should be, a tail seemed to grow from her arse. She walked out with the annoyance and the tail.